专家讲座:Lecture about how NORDEN has structured our legal department in Copenhagen and give a presentation of 1 or 2 recent legal cases
专家讲座:Lecture about how NORDEN has structured our legal department in Copenhagen and give a presentation of 1 or 2 recent legal cases
专家讲座:Lecture about how NORDEN has structured our legal department in Copenhagen and give a presentation of 1 or 2 recent legal cases,讲座嘉宾:Mr Per Zerman (Senior Legal Counsel of Norden head office in Copenhagen),讲座时间:4月7日(本周四)10:00,讲座地点:法学院106多媒体报告厅,参与人员:国际法学专业全体同学。请各班负责人做好签到工作,无故缺勤者将被扣减日常管理分。